Wednesday, May 9, 2012

After talking a lot about non-verbal communication I’m completely agree with the saying "Your actions speak louder than your words." Well most of the people think that our communication is based in words and things like gestures are not that important at the time of communicate, but what if is said that you can express more with your actions than with your words? A clear example is when you have contact with someone from other country and you don’t know that person language, you just start making signs, gestures, figures with your body that ends with the correct message, you see? But hey you have to be very careful because 93% of your language is non-verbal so you don’t want others to think what you are not meaning to say... and remember it can’t be fake so be the most honest as possible and I’m sure you will transmit the message you are trying to without problem!! 


Monday, April 16, 2012


Jews make up about 0.16% of the total population of Russia, today they are identify via ethnicity rather than religion although interest about Jewish identity as well as practice of Jewish tradition amongst Russian Jews is growing. Nowdays most of people has fotgotten their past and said they live like normal citizens but the reality is not like that, with the democratization the Jewish population has been exposed  to a resurgence of antisemitism in the former Soviet Union. The society has forced them to create their own things such as schools and synagogues, there are lots of thing that make them different from the mayority of the population one of the differences is the lenguage.
One of the biggest discussion along the world is than even we are in XXI century Antisemitism is one of the most common expressions of xenophobia among a lot of groups of politicians. Despite stipulations against fomenting hatred based on ethnic or religious grounds,  antisemitic pronouncements, speeches and articles are not uncommon in Russia, and there are a large number of antisemitic neo-Nazi groups in the republics of the former Soviet Union. Over the past few years there have also been bombs attached to antisemitic signs, apparently aimed at Jews, and other violent incidents, including stabbings. Russia should penalize the discrimination against this minority that has suffered alot along the story because of ideas as the resurgents ones, they must be treat like equals, treat like russians, what they are.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Marrying him or his culture?

 What kinds of problems could arise from cultural differences when marrying someone from different culture?
Wow even you dont think it, althought we are on XXI century, having a relationship with someone from other culture is still difficult and trust me it could arise more problems that the ones you can barely imagine.

In the case of the movie "My big fat greek wedding", that narrates a relationship of two people from different cultures (greek and american) since they met until they marry, we can have an idea about this problems. One of the first things we have to think abut is: when you are marrying someone you are also marrying his or her culture... Oh, but stop there is not that easy as when you have a relationship with someone from the same culture, dont forget we are talking about customs, ideas, religion, tradition and a list to long to write here, remember that the differences between cultures can be huges.

Problems can just not appear at moment of the wedding the came since the moment you met the person, when sharing experiences and way of living, the big ones came when meeting the family.

 In the case of Tula her family was greek, they were really close to change and off course close to acceppt somebody from other culture in the family, they really want her to marry to a greek man because that's their tradition ; in the other hand Ian´s family was american they were really open and patient just because their culture is like that for them young pleople is able to take their own decitions because they are free and responsable of their lifes.

This movie show us that it doesn´t matter how many differences our cultures have, the more common things the couple has, it will make definitely last!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Endangered lenguages and cultures

Endangered lenguages and cultures are some of those things we never take time to think in, maybe because we live in the middle of huge culture with lot of people sharing lenguage and customs or just because we are to busy taking take of others things we consider more important, but if we reflect what Wave Davis said " What would be like be unable to speak your own lenguage?", how would you feel if you lost part of your identity?, how would you it be to live in a uniform culture, same lenguage, same thinking,etc., what if you lose what decribed how we interact with nature, part of our inheritage,the way we express from the inside out?, sound hard ah?, well thats exactly how lots of people that belong to small communities are strugguling to keep their lenguage alive. Thats why the reason of this post is remember the impotance of protecting the culture.

Just for you to know there are more than 7000 spoken lenguages in the world, but is so sad to see that what makes our planet so diverse and mixed, what make us so rich in culture, is desaperaring. We have to be  concience that the 94% of the population of the worls only speaks the 6% of the lenguages and that 6% is so endengered that when we get to 2100 all those lenguage would probably have dissappeared, are you sure you wanna live in a cmpletely monotonous society, not having all those difference that make all cultures so interestings?? As Tom Colls says globalization is sweeping around the world making communities come out of isolation and seek interaction with the world, we are in some way forcing them to leave their traditions in one side to be more like us. 

Wouldnt be nice help them to brought back into everyday use their culture-lenguaje such as jewish people did?  why don't we protect our precious and beauty culture before it disappears in a blink of an eye??... Think about it!! xoxo..

;) NatyC.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Hi my name is Natalia Ceron but you can call me Naty, I am 17 years old and i was born in Barranquilla, a great city in the coast of Colombia. I am studing mechanical engieneering at la Universidad de Norte. Here i will be posting during all the semester about things related to culture great way to learn about other places manners, this tips will help you in all your travels... Remember you have to be prepared!