Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Marrying him or his culture?

 What kinds of problems could arise from cultural differences when marrying someone from different culture?
Wow even you dont think it, althought we are on XXI century, having a relationship with someone from other culture is still difficult and trust me it could arise more problems that the ones you can barely imagine.

In the case of the movie "My big fat greek wedding", that narrates a relationship of two people from different cultures (greek and american) since they met until they marry, we can have an idea about this problems. One of the first things we have to think abut is: when you are marrying someone you are also marrying his or her culture... Oh, but stop there is not that easy as when you have a relationship with someone from the same culture, dont forget we are talking about customs, ideas, religion, tradition and a list to long to write here, remember that the differences between cultures can be huges.

Problems can just not appear at moment of the wedding the came since the moment you met the person, when sharing experiences and way of living, the big ones came when meeting the family.

 In the case of Tula her family was greek, they were really close to change and off course close to acceppt somebody from other culture in the family, they really want her to marry to a greek man because that's their tradition ; in the other hand Ian´s family was american they were really open and patient just because their culture is like that for them young pleople is able to take their own decitions because they are free and responsable of their lifes.

This movie show us that it doesn´t matter how many differences our cultures have, the more common things the couple has, it will make definitely last!

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