Monday, April 16, 2012


Jews make up about 0.16% of the total population of Russia, today they are identify via ethnicity rather than religion although interest about Jewish identity as well as practice of Jewish tradition amongst Russian Jews is growing. Nowdays most of people has fotgotten their past and said they live like normal citizens but the reality is not like that, with the democratization the Jewish population has been exposed  to a resurgence of antisemitism in the former Soviet Union. The society has forced them to create their own things such as schools and synagogues, there are lots of thing that make them different from the mayority of the population one of the differences is the lenguage.
One of the biggest discussion along the world is than even we are in XXI century Antisemitism is one of the most common expressions of xenophobia among a lot of groups of politicians. Despite stipulations against fomenting hatred based on ethnic or religious grounds,  antisemitic pronouncements, speeches and articles are not uncommon in Russia, and there are a large number of antisemitic neo-Nazi groups in the republics of the former Soviet Union. Over the past few years there have also been bombs attached to antisemitic signs, apparently aimed at Jews, and other violent incidents, including stabbings. Russia should penalize the discrimination against this minority that has suffered alot along the story because of ideas as the resurgents ones, they must be treat like equals, treat like russians, what they are.

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